Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Scams, schools, and sweat
I'll do something rare for me and start this post on a very pleasant note by announcing that I have been accepted to my first choice college: School of Visual Arts.
I start September 8th, which kicks ass, because this means I won't be in school on my birthday. (Most colleges start right around my birthday, August 31st.) There is an orientation that day, so I'll find out from some already attending students if that's really necessary. If anything I'll go, and tell a bunch of people to meet me somewhere in the city afterward. Hmm. I think I have some time to ponder that...

A few days ago I replied to a job listing that offered 14.50 an hour. Gullible me immediately thought "Oh shit, this is it. I need a job, that's an amazing wage, why not?" I called up around 2.00 they talked me into taking their only appointment at 3.00, as positions were allegedly filling up fast and it would be in my best interest to come in ASAP. It was really inconvenient for me, but fuck, I've been breaking my ass 17 different ways applying for jobs the past few months, so I might as well suffer a minor inconvenience. It will pay off in the end, right?
Ha. Hahaha.
So I drop everything I'm doing at the current time and run all the way down to New Dorp fucking lane from Pleasant Plains. Lots of fun during school rush hour, let me tell you. I'm directed to go up to a really shabby, shitty, somewhat kidsy, and just fucking unprofessional office blasting K-Rock, where I meet a 20 something year old Asian, with hair like a kingdom hearts character. Except, he has NO personality save for his very condescending attitude. For about 5 minutes I'm the only person in this 3 part office, and I'm told to sit in the lobby portion of it and fill out an application that will let him know if I'm qualified for the job. Then a few others come in, making the final total of people (all in my age group) about 7 including myself.) Mr Anime Manager notified us that once we were done filling out our applications, there was to be be a group interview, and then an "on the spot decision" this way we don't have to wait for a ny phone calls. Oh, and that just sitting there quietly wouldn't help our chances of getting hired. So, apparently we're supposed to fill out our personal info correctly and simultaneously strike up a conversation with a random stranger. But, I need a job, and at this point I'm willing to streak down Hylan Blvd. in this freezing weather for some decent employment. Okay, maybe not.

I made some small talk with someone who was incidentaly a senior from Tottenville. He was from the institute, which explained why I had never really seen him before. He was nice, very articulate, and very smart. So maybe this wasn't going to be so bad after all.
Hahaha. Hahahaha.

Once Mr Anime Manager decided we were all qualified, he commenced the "group interview". Which really was a whole hour long speil about the product we were going to be selling, and trying to impress us with its quality. It was some cutlery, which we would have to buy an overpriced set of with our own money. (like fuck if I was doing that.) I'll admit, the quality of these knifes were pretty impressive, but that doesn't compensate for the nonsense the company produces with them. And that's what they want you to believe. That's how they grab you. So, we would have to call and make appointments with people (like our families) and try to sell these horrendously overpriced sets to them, using our own purchased set for show. We get a 17 dollar base wage, for each appointment, and then some commision if we sell sets. But supposedly 6-7 out of 10 people buy them. Well, duh, it's your family that you're ripping off, so they kind of feel obliged to. With this, you're supposed to get 5-10 reccomendations out of each appointment. Meaning these people are supposed to give you 5-10 phone numbers, and call each of the given phone numbers themselves to rave about a great cutlery set they were just ripped off for. Cause, you know, people still do that in the 21st century.
Basically, this company targets high school, or fresh out of high school teens, who have supporting families that feel obliged to help these kids out in their first jobs. Outside of that though, there really aren't too many opportunities for appointments.
After this seemingly endless praise for these knives and this amazing company (which I guess explains why I've never heard of it before..) it was time for our on the spot decisions. He called the first girl into his office, but by this time I'd had enough. About 10 minutes into their little pep talk I told the kid I had been talking with to just tell the guy I wasn't interested. And I left.
About an hour and a half of my life I'll never get back. I could've gone bra shopping.

I came home to look up the company and found google page upon google page of petitions and articles on this companies nationwide scam.

Look it up: Cutco and Vector.
Oh, and beware Secret shoppers too. Another scam.
Human nature, gotta love it.

Doing 1.8 miles in 20 minutes on the treadmill. Not bad for someone who's been doing less than a week. I go further (the same as faster) each day, but maintain my 20 minutes. I wanna build up my endurance.

Ps. Check out the Jazz Funeral- They're one of the only good local SI bands, so you should check them out. Hint:: Pulling off the wings is a great song.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
thats awesome about SVA! I'll be moving pretty close to you when i start at nyu