Wednesday, November 26, 2008
paint a portrait of my mystery
This is absolutely horrible.,27574,24680860-401,00.html
It's 2008. And yet such horrible things still take place.

Dr Lemma approved. No more Fisher.
Family therapy was last night. It went much better than I anticipated.

Obviously today's the day for being thankful.
Here it goes.

-My friends. The REAL friends that I have who stuck with me throughout this hellish past year.
-My art/talent. Granted, I'm not the best artist. But I do know I'm talented. I hope that doesn't sound cocky, but I'm not one of those people to deny something obvious for extra compliments. Art is just the best release for me. It beats out writing and music by a long shot and I want to make it a part of my life forever.
-My music. Because it's always playing in my head and can pick me up if I'm in a slump. (Most of the time)
-My Bentley. Because this house would be even colder without his insanity and liveliness.
-My mentality. Because I know it's at a higher status than most people I associate with on a daily basis.
-My cynicism/sarcasm. Because it makes me who I am, and keeps me from getting stepped on.
-My sense of humor. Because I really am an 8 year old underneath my somewhat abrasive exterior.
-My future. Because I hope it will be as great as I'm planning for it to be.
-My Tony. He's my pink sidekick without the shitty service or scene status.
-Dr. Lemmas agreeing to monitor my weight. This means no more Dr. Fisher. =)
-My cozy bed. Because its the only warm place in my house and I realize that many people are not as fortunate to have such a novelty.
-A Pink Floyd Thanksgiving on vh1 classic. All day nonstop Floyd>3333 (9.21 edit: It's been AMAZING so far and I am SO excited to watch The Wall)
-My eating disorder. Yes, you read that one right. Sure.. it's brought me to hell and back (almost), and that's WHY I'm thankful for it. It's made me stronger. It's opened my eyes to help me see that there is more to people than size, shape, or any outside characteristics. It's also proven to me how if I REALLY REALLY want something I have the determination inside to achieve it. Do I think I look good now? No. Am I happy about gaining almost 20 pounds (20 pounds!!!!) since my lowest weight? No. But am I happy that I narrowly escaped hospitalization? Very. 9 more months though, and I am in control. We'll just have to see how things go.

This killed me.

Now playing: Yellowcard - Only One
via FoxyTunes