Friday, November 28, 2008
goodbye blue sky
"On average 12 newborns are given to the wrong parents daily"

I'm not sure how that could be true, as I myself have never witnessed a whole birthing process and the aftermath. (And I really don't plan to.) But if it is true, it sure does explain a lot. Funny what small strings of words can occasionally ignite in ones mind. It's the little things that count after all.

The Wall was excellent. What I saw of it anyway. I fell asleep halfway through. Luckily I DVR'd it, so I'm watching the other half now. Fuck, I thought Across the Universe was a trippy movie. The creatures in this are so inspirational. Gerald Scarfe is an AMAZING artist. Just what I need for some portfolio inspiration. I've been ODing on portfolio work which probably explains my consistent okay mood over the past few days.

I really have nothing else to say for now. I can't think of what I want for Christmas. Or maybe, it's not that I can't so much as it is that there really is nothing attainable to want. Not yet anyway.

Wait, no. I want to change that above statement. What I want is for someone who I had no real connection with, or no real mutual friendliness with to compare how I looked in the beginning of this year to now. Someone who will tell it like it is. Exactly what they're thinking with no fears of hurting my feelings.

Fuck, even thats unattainable.
Blogger Gax said...
such a diary ...
why are you looking the world so sadly ?
every minded people know we're living in a shitty world.

...keep cool.